Sometimes we look at 'value' in the face, but keep on chasing 'that' which is behind 'value', not knowing that if we are are able( which of course we are, because all ability to do so has been given unto us), to capture value, build on it, and add it to the life of people and society at large, we would get its reward, which is 'that' which is behind it.
'Money' is a reward for adding 'value' to people and society at large.
When God asked Moses, 'what do you have in your hand?' What He's saying is,
'guy, gal, what can you do, I have given you a gift, a talent, use it, there is more to that gift/talent/passion than meet the eye'.
'Money' is a reward for adding 'value' to people and society at large.
When God asked Moses, 'what do you have in your hand?' What He's saying is,
'guy, gal, what can you do, I have given you a gift, a talent, use it, there is more to that gift/talent/passion than meet the eye'.