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The mind is an essential part of man that controls his whole being.
You may start wondering, "how", let me explain, but first of all, I need you to know this 'We can actually control what comes into our mind.'
The mind is a powerful tool, that God placed in every man, it is the seat of man's reasoning, thought, and imagination. Anything can be created by man, if only he can first focus it in his mind, dwell on it in his mind. Most of the times, we create worries, despite the fact that the situation at hand is too little to cause any worry. This is because, our mind was so focused on the problem and not on ways to solve the problem.
So what do we do with our mind?
1. Create the future of your dream and see it come to reality
2. Imagine how happy your future family would be
3. Imagine how lovely and beautiful your future wife would be
4. Imagine how comfortable and stress free your life would be
5. Imagine how much you would achieve in fulfilling the purpose God created you for
6. Imagine how much of your light you would shine forth and used to dominate wherever you go
7. Imagine how many souls you would win to God's kingdom by showing yourself (showing the light which is the life of Christ)
Whatever things are noble and of good report, of virtue and pleasurable to God, these things, I beseech you, dwell on and make it your goal each day, never to let any day pass without focusing and acting on such things.

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