Your focus should be on the goal you want to achieve, not on the challenges, sufferings or even the good things that happen in the course of achieving your goals, although the good things can serve as encouragement, if you must achieve your goal and not give up along the way. When you focus on your goal, you actually get ways, way too many, on how you could achieve your goal. Focusing on the challenges or sufferings or failures will only tell you that there is no way of achieving your goal and I know you wouldn't want such thoughts going through your mind; focusing on the good things that happen towards achieving your goal may cause you to be relaxed a bit, which is a good thing so that you can actually think well on ways to achieve your goal, but please don't focus so much on the good things because it can also make you to reduce the energy you put towards achieving your goal, which could be to the detriment of your goal.
When you set goals and map out strategies to achieve the goals, you should have it in mind that you will have challenges or even, the strategies may fail. Having this in mind, will help you prepare your mind for whatever may come that may want to cause you to give up, making you know that challenges are normal and that you can achieve your goal. FOCUS ON YOUR GOAL, NOT YOUR CHALLENGES
When you set goals and map out strategies to achieve the goals, you should have it in mind that you will have challenges or even, the strategies may fail. Having this in mind, will help you prepare your mind for whatever may come that may want to cause you to give up, making you know that challenges are normal and that you can achieve your goal. FOCUS ON YOUR GOAL, NOT YOUR CHALLENGES