Train yourself everyday
Work on your way of thinking
Spend more time with yourself
Sing love songs for yourself
Praise yourself
Admire yourself
Appreciate yourself
Help yourself to grow
Build yourself
It is good to build musles
It is good to make sure
Your body is well taken care of
Because it is the place where you live
But it is also good to train
Because it is the sit of your thoughts
Because as a man thinketh
So he is
If you want to change your world
You must first of all change your MIND
Work on your way of thinking
Spend more time with yourself
Sing love songs for yourself
Praise yourself
Admire yourself
Appreciate yourself
Help yourself to grow
Build yourself
It is good to build musles
It is good to make sure
Your body is well taken care of
Because it is the place where you live
But it is also good to train
Because it is the sit of your thoughts
Because as a man thinketh
So he is
If you want to change your world
You must first of all change your MIND