7 TIPS TO MAKE YOU LOOK ATTRACTIVE AS A GUY: 1.Regular hair cut: Always cut your hair and shave your beard regularly to look clean. 2. The secret of cologne: Get a bottle of cologne(a perfume with a soft scent) and spray on your body once daily. 3.Try to wear suit once in a while or even a suit and some other trousers, by make sure it matches. Also get a shirt that has a strong collar, a shiny pair of shoes, a nice belt, stylish socks and a classy watch. 4. Learn to have a goo, great conversation with people, both same and opposite sex, cleaning up the house or opening car doors are good places to start that is in relation to the opposite sex. 5.ActAct mature and responsible. Pursue a healthy diet and body. 6. Always be prayerful, committing everything into God's hands including committing your loved ones into His hands too. She loves it when you pray for her. 7. Bath twice daily.
Is there anyone among who thinks he lives because of his goodness, let him tell me the number of hair on his head. There is only one God, the one who was, who is and who is to come. Take it or accept it, you have no choice, it is evident around you.
LATTER GLORY. The glory of the latter shall be greater than the former, there is something about the latter glory, it makes you forget the former things, but you remember the struggles, challenges you went through in order to thank Him, knowing that you could not have done it without Him. WHO IS THIS "HE" THAT YOU CAN DO WITHOUT? IT IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, THE ONE THEY CALL "OGHENA, OGHENE,OSALOBLA, CHINEKE" ALL GLORY TO HIS HOLY NAME, BOTH NOW AND FOREVER, AMEN.
How many of you want to be rich? ah everybody, but do you know that, the power to be rich is within you, you just need to tap into it and voila, you are rich. Let me give you two laws that can help . 1. THE LAW OF PRODUCTIVITY: Look around you, is there anything that those around you are in great need of? if therebis , why not take that bold step and start producing it. 2. THE LAW OF SE...
Let's talk about purpose, what is purpose or should I say what is your purpose. There is something that purpose does to a man's life once the man discovers his purpose. I hear people say they want to be great, but yet they don't know their purpose, you can only be great in life, when you discover your purpose, pursue it and explore your potentials. What is that thing you like so much, what is that thing you enjoy doing, whatever it may be, do it passion, love it more than anything else, what you like may not be well known now, but you can make it well known, the potential is in you, explore it, or haven't you heard that the richest place is the graveyard, because there we have men who were buried with their potentials, do you want to die with yours too, and be added to the collection. I beseech you by the mercies of God, discover your purpose, explore your potentials and I will see you at the top. AKPOGHOMHE CHRISTOF